Whole Earth Foundation (W.E.F)

Whole Earth Foundation (W.E.F)


To address this problem, the Whole Earth Foundation (WEF) proposes to utilize the Whole Earth Access (WEA) platform to connect general citizens (or information providers) and infrastructure service providers by providing access to a database containing detailed information about their infrastructure, and an ecosystem designed to facilitate communication and collaboration.


At its core is the environmental database, constructed by pooling together and geoprocessing multiple public and privately available data sources. Once normalized, the data will undergo additional processing to be made available in very high geographical resolution, which is not available in most publicly available datasets today. The data is also pre-cleaned, helping shorten the development time for machine learning projects by third-party developers. Information providers can interact with this data through a UI (e.g., mobile app), enabling them to stay informed about the infrastructure’s status around them, thereby helping alleviate the imbalance of information between them and the infrastructure service providers.


Furthermore, in addition to having access to data, citizens can actively support the database and, consequently, maintain the underlying infrastructure. A commonly shared limitation among existing environmental databases is the slow renewal of information - an average of 1-5 years of wait time. The WEA platform expects to address this by crowdsourcing data collection; Participants of the ecosystem will contribute data to help maintain an up-to-date database


that infrastructure service providers can use to make better-informed decisions. Gamification mechanisms such as Quests will be explored to motivate participant engagement.


Participants will earn a blockchain-based token (Whole Earth Coin, hereafter WEC) for the provision of high-quality data, enabling a free and open marketplace that allows for the creation and efficient exchange of important data.


This approach is expected to help establish a system that promotes regular maintenance and renewal of infrastructure while raising the general citizens’ interest in the topic. As the public’s interest further grows, this momentum will accelerate the establishment of a society where citizens actively collaborate with institutions in joint-effort projects geared towards environmental improvement.


When we examine the world broadly, we see a growing issue of aging infrastructure. Unfortunately, service providers governing these infrastructure assets have not always adequately maintained and renewed the facilities they manage.


Imbalanced access to information between service providers and citizens
The lack of general incentive among parties to challenge the status quo


Help the database grow, earn tokens for your contributions
What you earn will fluctuate based on how much you contributed to help improve infrastructure
Become engaged with your community, and collaborate with service providers to build a smarter infrastructure


Whole Earth Access (WEA) comprises the following three key groups:
Information Providers
Information providers (mainly general citizens) can access the environmental database and contribute data to earn utility tokens.
Infrastructure Service Providers
Infrastructure service providers can utilize the environmental database and tools created by third-party developers to improve development projects’ efficiency.
Partners can access the environmental database to develop novel tools that benefit the infrastructure and the environment, help publicize our project and vision to the world, and much more.


WEA platform tools to build and utilize the environmental database

Create reports about the condition of your local infrastructure, sharing the latest information with the community
Use intelligent machine learning applications powered by the environmental database to obtain predictive insight about local infrastructure and make smarter decisions


Reduce maintenance costs and maximize water savings!

Build smarter, more energy-efficient buildings!

and Many More!
We are constantly looking for new and creative ideas. Contact us to get involved!

Leadership & Core Members & Advisors

Takatsugu Kobayashi: CEO, Co-Founder
Mayumi Suzuki: CFO, Co-Founder
Hiroaki Sengoku: Fellow Engineer
Chef Sasagawa: Senior Engineer
Daiki Moriyama: Founding Advisor (Upcoming COO)
Takashi Kato: Co-Founder and CEO of Fracta, Inc.
Yumiko Nishimura: Counselor
Jordan Breslow: Legal Counsel


Preserving and Creating Resources
An important part of implementing this approach is a method for measuring the value of the information provided. We hope you have enjoyed the introduction of our project. For more information and updates on the project, please follow our website. We also regularly provide information on social media



Website: https://wholeearthfoundation.org/

Whitepaper: https://wholeearthfoundation.org/WEF-whitepaper_v1.0.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/WholeEarthFoundation

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WholeEarthFdn

Media: https://medium.com/wholeearthfoundation

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WholeEarthFoundation/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WholeEarthFoundation



Forum Username: Steven Zuber

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3191220

Telegram Username: @StevenZuber

ETH Wallet Address: 0x24a40E42A83a6C67854499e0693219F403327B35


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